Greetings Avatars, Jedi's, Celestial Beings & all Followers of the Light!

Join me on this fantastic voyage through Time and Space armed with the Harmony of Yoga Sutras and philosophy as my guide.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What day is it again?

Where is the time going? It seems to be flying by, there’s never enough of it – I’m sure you know that feeling right? I wonder, has the quality of a minute really changed-NOT. Perhaps it has more to do with a heightened sense of awareness of its value as we matriculate through? January brings on these thoughts for me.....

What is Time? Some say it is of the ESSENCE, while others swear it is the KEY to life. Some say it waits for no one, many consider it the most valuable non-renewable resource. Science views time as the universal frequency of synchronization. The Law of Time speaks to synchronous moments and evolutionary phases that maintain harmony, balance and universal order.

Food for thought, our lives are ruled by time, yes. Time plays a common role in our lives, the appointed hours we rise and fall, business hours, birthdates and anniversaries, holidays and of course tax time! The Georgian calendar governs the affairs of modern man. This system of organized time is based on a 12month (12am hours, 12pm hours 60 min & sec assumption), the 12:60 vibration, unnatural and lacking harmony. No wonder I can’t keep up and on “artificial” time. ;o)

Long ago Julius Caesar felt it important to be included in something as universal as Time. He added the month of July to the 10month Roman calendar and his son Auguste followed suit with 31 days in August (October stemming from Octagon was the original 8th, not 10th month of the year). This became the insane Julian calendar. The Catholic Church wanted to keep Easter at the same time each year, therefore added a few modifications resulting in the Georgian calendar.
Hmmmmm…could it be that this vanity, in which Time should fit into the needs of man, has shifted modern man’s accounting of time away from natural order and deeper into our current state of frenzy, discontent and mayhem? The Mayan civilization, in their ancient wisdom, took a different approach to organizing time. By observing phenomenon and living in harmony with nature, they designed a calendar reflecting Mother Nature’s rhythm. The presumed natural vibratory ratio of Time is 13:20.
A woman’s fertility cycle is 28 days when in harmony, the moon circles the earth 13 times for every single rotation around the sun. There are 13 lunar cycles in a calendar year, and our bodies contain 13 major joints (points of connection, coming together, harmonization). Human machines are designed with 20 aggregate fingers and toes...

"The way we live our lives is really the issue at hand. We live our lives according to our states of consciousness. Our current 12-month calendar generates states of consciousness that are out of harmony with nature. States of consciousness that are out of harmony with nature create actions that are out of harmony with nature. Actions that are out of harmony with nature are destroying Life on Earth." -Timothy Tussing

i encourage you to ponder the meaning of time in your life. Time is measured in motion, perpetual and hopeful forward. In my yoga classes, I try to spread generous opportunities for Balasana (Child’s Pose). I find it important to stop and deactivate periodically. The Internet is fueled by 1’s and O’s, fluctuations between on and off, active and passive- and the data packets arrive just fine. Carving time for authentic pursuits-including rest-is tops on the list for me this year. The Law of Time writen is E(T)=ART elegant. Hope you join the Shakti trip too.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Gotta lotta stuff going on in that noggin of yours.
