Greetings Avatars, Jedi's, Celestial Beings & all Followers of the Light!

Join me on this fantastic voyage through Time and Space armed with the Harmony of Yoga Sutras and philosophy as my guide.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The God Particle

They’re everywhere, the “valley’s and shadows of darkness,” as the Psalms tell us. Dark energy and Dark matter are scientific facts waiting to be proven. Together they make up approximately 96% of the universe. Simply put Dark Matter is considered the “glue” that holds galaxies together- Gravity. Gravity holds Mass together, the stars, planets etc- keeping them all from flying aimlessly thru the vast ether known as outer space-yet does not interact with light. We know some energies like this in the form of people- no? Density also plays a role here, as it is closely associated with Mass. In Yoga class, i encourage my yogini’s to release the Density of their physical (gross body) by effectively using the Ujjay breathing technique to tranquilize the mind. The goal is to unshackle the mind in order to relax the (gross body) which is the Matter that holds the organs, bones, joints, blood and bile together in a cohesive well-designed form; i refer to this marvel as the Human Machine.

Visible Matter is only approximately 4% of the Universe. Check it out the next time you are outdoors in a dimly lit location at night. While Dark Matter is holding it down by holding things together, Dark Energy is on the opposite course. Discovered only in the 1990’s, Dark Energy appears to be rapidly expanding the Universe -spreading galaxies further and further away from one another at an accelerated rate, Anti- gravity. These are two dominate and unexplained forces in the Universe. They are transient states- The God Particle- the energy that contracts and expands simultaneously, but cannot be measured.

Stay with me, scientist have identified the x, y, and z dimensions of space- 3-D, according to the discipline of Geometry. Time is the 4th dimension. The general atheistic community of Physicist and Cosmologist are excited by the possibility of discovering new dimensions- up to Eleven! From the 4 established up to 11 dimensions- wowza! Sounds sci-fi and all, however, the 7,200 particle physicsts on this planet are salivating to investigate at any cost. The cost has ballooned to $9 billion, check into CERN. Now mind you, we are all scientist. Scientist experiment, observe and theorize. Is this not what we all do?

In comes the String Theory to further explain the mysteries of gravity. Newton and Einstein played with the resistant resilience of this edge for many years. Einstein proposed the question, “ Do we live in a hostile universe?” A question we must all answer for ourselves. According to Sir Isaac Newton, we do live in a hostile universe. A universe where time and space are absolute dimensions sans connectivity. Sir Albert viewed the universe as a friendly place, laid out in his theory of Relativity (E = MC sq). Time and space are interrelated domains. A world that gives way to four dimensions where Mind does transform into Matter. Sir Albert surmises that TIME, SPACE and CONSCIOSNESS are interrelated. They are inseparable, which gives rise to the expanded dimensions where Quantum Jumps are the norm: electrons moving from one point to another without passing thru the space in between. Terence McKenna adds, “There is a vast psychic domain- visionary reality available to us IF we muster the COURAGE to explore it.” The premise of String Theory requires an intellectual agreement that there are at least 6 spatial dimensions. If your mind won’t allow this suggestion, then stop reading now. :o) Everyone else, “Beam me up Scottie,” as Gene Rodenberry wrote in his Star Trek series.

String Theory is the leading notion on the table of quantum gravity in the world of particle physics. Let us not forget, a theory is not fact, just a hypothesis that this or that will behave like that or this- an educated guess by imperfect mortals. Think of strings in this theory as guitar strings that are composed of the most elemental particles floating around in time/space. They are so tiny that current observation machines and budgetary constraints have kept the hungry scientist from proving or disproving the existence of highly “excited” guitar –like strings that have been stretched and filled with tension. Supersymetery is key here- and what the “egg heads” are looking to quantify and qualify.

We have heard it said that each action has an equal and opposite reaction, every cause an effect. This is believed to be the case in Nature (summer/ winter, night/day) as well as Nurture, i call it, the Subtle world of the spirit and celestial (Karma, “what goes around comes around”) Super symmetry in the string theory refers to the interplay of Bosons (particles that transmit force, you may have heard of Higgs Boson) and Fermions (particles that make up matter). Kind of like the opposite equality of men and women, the Shakti and Shiva of it all. Men transmit via force; women receive and make up matter called having babies! And for all that the OBG’s do know, just like the physicts, there is a ton that is unknown about the complex miracle of pregnancy and childbirth. When the string becomes “excited” from being stretched, it will produce and emit various notes depending on how it’s plucked and how much tension it holds. Like human beings, and our variety of emotional states, tension and timing can really be key to what is emitted from anyone of us at any given moment. However, in string theory, these notes and emotions are dimensions of time/space. Watchout Now! It’s not so esoteric afterall.

Supersymetry speaks to yogic concept of moderation in all things, postures and their counter postures, the spiritual and the material world. In 1959, Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada contributed an essay called Easy Journey to Other Planets. Swami offers that the spiritual, Parallel Universe, is composed of anti- matter – the Dark Matter being sought by quantum and particle physicist today- which spins counter clockwise – the equal and opposite. In yoga practice we perform asana (postures) on both sides of the body for approximately the same length of time, symmetry of course! Sankhya, the ancient Vedic study of material nature, asserted long ago that Matter develops from subtle to gross, from Mind (thoughts) into manifestation. So perhaps my cheerleading about Conceptualization (thoughts) powered by Belief (breath) will equate to Manifestation (matter) is on point after all. According to the Vedic’s, vibration (frequency) is the most subtle manifestation of Matter.“ I got a funny vibe about that person or place,” we’ve all experienced this, no? Perhaps, you’ve experience déjà vu?

A consistent practice of yoga helps us to hone this precious skill of tuning into our intuitive guidance system and subtle nature. The Sankhya contains the standard elements of the globally accepted periodic table, however the periodic table will need to add a few new elements to catch up and truly discover the Divine nature of the Universe, the elements of mind, ego and intelligence. Only then can the The God Particle be observed and measured, if that is even meant to be.

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